An end-to-end carbon
neutral service

Harness the technology to spread love for the planet, and show your clients you care. Sharing files on creativehub enables us to fund the World Land Trust to protect natural habitats.

1. save land

25m2 saved per user

For every professional user that joins creativehub, the World Land Trust can protect an additional 25m2 of natural habitat, every year.

Read our policy statment
2. satellite view

Track your effect

From your account you can see the land you have personally helped to protect on a satellite view.

Learn more
3. carbon neutrality

We are end-to-end carbon neutral

Carbon neutrality should be the absolute minimum requirement of any system you use online. For us this means every aspect of our business and includes the carbon cost of sending and receiving files to and from our servers. Carbon neutrality is only a first step, the goal should be being carbon-free.

Carbon neutral

Our carbon offsetting program

We invest in renewable solar and wind farms projects to offset all unavoidable emissions, using gold standard carbon offsets as recommended by Greenpeace. We will work tirelessly towards becoming carbon free, which should be the goal for everyone.

Start growing your career
