creativehub is a great place to store your files long term. In our quick guide you can find out how to store, organise and retrieve your files.
Read this link about storing your files on the cloud, and why it is safer than storing them at home.
How can I locate my stored files in creativehub?
All your files go into you Files section, which you will find on the left had side menu:

You can browse through your files and view them visually and you can make the thumbnails smaller:

You can look at a list view with more details about the files:

You change the way of viewing you files by clicking this icon which is in the top right hand side of your Files screen

In that same block of icons above you can change to the type for the images and direction high-to-low to low-to-high. The sort orders are:

Name, Date Uploaded, Rating, Recently Viewed.
As well as browsing files you can search for files in your account. Whilst you can Tag files, this is not required for the search, the search works using AI to search the content of you files. Simply type in a description of the content of your image into the search box. Or you can search by file name, and for any tags you might have added.

You can bookmark your files by hovering over a file and clicking the bookmark icon. This enables you to quickly get back to files that you are currently working with.

To see all your bookmarked files again go to the block of icons at the top of your screen in your Files section:

Click the bookmark icon to see you bookmarked files, and click it again to return to see all of your files.
Lastly you can add ratings to your own files so you can find your best files at the click of a button. Again look for the block of icons when you are on the Files section of your account. It will be in the top right hand side of your screen. Select the star icon to star adding ratings:

Now you can start adding star ratings underneath the file thumbnails. To see you rated files change the sort order to be by rating, either low-to-high or high-to-low.
What else can I do with my files on creativehub?
A lot actually! You can:
- Order award-winning fine art prints
- Organise your files into projects
- Share projects via links or emails,. Collaborate with other people, using instant messaging, marking up on files, adding ratings and tracking file versions
- Convert files in many different useful optimised formats as you download them
- Send files with anyone via links or emails
How much storage space do I have and what files can I store with creativehub?
You get 3Gb as standard with a free creativehub account. Professional accounts are £16 per month and included a Tb of data plus unlimited file conversions and 5 portfolios on /Find. Find out about subscriptions on creativehub here.
You can upload any type of file to creativehub. You will be able to preview most file types including image files, camera RAW files, video, PDF, Word, Excel and SVGs.