Learn how to change the permissions you give to people when you share project.

To learn how to share a project on creativehub, click here.

When you share a project in creativehub, whether you do it via a link or through email, you can give the following permissions to the recipient:


This allows the recipient to download the files in the project. You can choose three different sizes to do this:

  • Full size: The image will be available to download in its full original size.
  • Online usage: The downloadable image will be 1200px on the longest side. This means the file will be smaller and faster to transfer.
  • Thumbnail: The downloadable image will be 160px on the shortest side.


Collaborators will be able to add files to the project, but won’t be able to remove any.

Add password

You can add a password to protect sensitive files.

Add watermark

You can add an optional watermark to further protect your files to image files, PDFs and videos.

What to do next?

To find out how you can collaborate on projects with others, chat, markup on files, rate files, convert file types and much more, click here

Updated on 3 May 2021

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