Read more about the difference between sending images and sharing a project in creativehub?
The difference between sending files and sharing projects in creativehub is:
When you send a file to a recipient, you’re simply sending them a high resolution / large files which may have been too large to email.
They will be able to download these files or add them to their creativehub account if they have one.
As a creativehub user, when you share images you can select to downsize them to a lower resolution or send the original resolution versions.

Sharing a project is a more collaborative process.
When you share a project with someone, you can add or remove files from the project and this will update immediately so that anyone with whom the project has been shared will see these changes.
You also have more options: both you and your collaborators can rate each image and upload new images as well as download.
Click here to find out how to adjust your sharing permissions.