Learn about the four different sorting options to have your files displayed.
All your files stored in creativehub can be found in ‘My Files’.
Within this section there are four sorting options for how your files are displayed, which means there are four different ways of organising your files.
Where can I change the sorting option?
You can find and change the sorting options in the small toolbar in the top right corner above your files in ‘My Files’ or in ‘Projects’.
Here are the four different ways to organise your files:
By name
By ‘Name‘: Your files will appear in alphabetical order, either A-Z or, if you click on the arrow next to the sorting options you can reverse the order from Z-A.
By date uploaded
By ‘Date uploaded‘: This will give you the most recently uploaded files on top (or the other way around, depending on the arrow).
By recently viewed
By ‘Recently viewed‘: The files you viewed or worked on most recently will appear first (or last, again, depending on the direction of the arrow icon next to it).
What to do next?
You can also send files from your creativehub account and the person you are sending to does not need an account, to find out how, click here.
Or login to your account and follow the tutorial ‘Send large files’