Learn how to upload large quantities of files to your creativehub account.

How do I upload files to my account?

To learn how to upload files to your creativehub account, click here.

Uploading a lot of files

  • To move a lot of files to creativehub you’ll need a fast internet connection.
  • You can upload up to 10,000 images or 100 GB at any one time, but If you don’t have access to a fast internet connection the upload may take a while.

Can I get help?

To save your time, we are happy to send you an SSD hard drive you can upload your files to. When you’re ready, you can then send it back to us and we will upload it for you.

If you are in London, you can also visit our studio based in Shoreditch and use our free iMac terminals which have a high-speed connection.

If you need additional assistance, get in touch or click the blue live chat bubble on the right-hand side of your browser to talk to one of our team members.

Updated on 8 February 2023

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