Check out the tutorial ‘Collaborate on projects’ on Creativehub, for an interactive walkthrough of the following article!

Getting started

Whilst in your project, click the following button in the top right:

From the window that opens, you have two options to share your project:

  • Copy the displayed link and share it with anyone, by any means you wish e.g. text, email, social media, etc.
  • The recipients can view and download files, but will be asked to identify themselves with a name and email before using the collaboration tools, like commenting and markup (if they don’t already have an account, that is).
  • You can configure custom permissions when sharing the project, by clicking on ‘Link Settings’ . Like: upload/download authorisation, password protection, watermarks, and more.

Click here for more detail on link permissions

Share directly to email 

  • Enter the email address of your recipient under ‘Share with’ . You can add an optional message too.
  • Then, same as above, edit the sharing permissions for the recipients

Updated on 3 May 2021

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