If you have any incoming projects, they will display in your Incoming section of your creativehub account, which is on the left hand side of the page:

Read on to find out more.
What are incoming projects?
Incoming projects are projects of files that have been sent to you by other people. They do not count towards your data storage total.
Any message sent with the project will appear on the Project Feed. To get there click on the project name in the Incoming section on the left hand side menu. The project feed with any incoming message looks like this:

You can respond to the message sent with the project, just start typing and hit return when you are done. If you want to add a new line in your comment just hold down Shift + click Return. The people who the project has been shared with, and the person who sent it to you will be instantly notified of your message by email, and in their creativehub accounts.
What can I do with an incoming project?
If you have been given download permissions, you can download the images from the project. You can alternatively either add the files you your Files section, or add the project to your Projects section of your creativehub account.
The latter option creates a new project, owned by you, with the images in from the incoming project. This is useful if you need to share the project onwards and have a separate conversation about it.
There are a ton of collaboration options surrounding projects on creativehub and you can use them all whether it is a project owned by you, or an incoming project. Follow this link to read about collaboration on projects in creativehub.