How does get me freelance creative jobs? Learn how /Find matches clients with creatives
Can I add multiple creative portfolios to Learn how many portfolios you can add to /Find
How does my portfolio & profile look when it’s live? Learn how your portfolio will be presented to clients
Why is there a minimum hourly rate section when I add my portfolio? Learn how payment works on /Find.
Do I have to add a minimum hourly rate to my portfolio? Learn more about the minimum hourly rate on /find
Can I negotiate my hourly rate with the client? Learn how /Find works in terms of hourly hourly rates and payments
Does creativehub take a commission from jobs agreed on Learn if there are any fees or commissions when using /Find
How do I contact a creative about a job on Learn how to contact a creative and start a conversation on /Find
How can I tell the creative about the job details? Lern how communication works on /Find once a job request is sent.
How will the creative respond to my job request? Learn more about what options a creative has to respond to your project proposal.
What happens if a job request is accepted? Learn more about what happens when a creative accepts your project proposal.
What happens if a creative freelance job request is declined? Learn more about what happens if a creative declines your project proposal.
Where will I be notified about an incoming project proposal? Learn more about where incoming project proposals appear in your creativehub dashboard.
Is there a time limit on responding to incoming project proposals? Will incoming project proposals expire after a certain amount of time if I don’t reply?
Where do I communicate with a client about the project proposal? Learn more about communicating with potential clients who have proposed a new project.
How do I attach files to my messages to the creative talent? Learn more about attaching files to messages.
How do I turn the conversation with the client into a project workspace? Learn about progressing a new project proposal with a client into a shared project workspace.
How do I find a creative freelancer illustrator or photographer? In this article we will run though the easy ways in which you can connect with a creative photographer or...
How do I make marketing content and ads for my brand? In this article we will go into the best process for making good marketing and ad content for your brand....
As a creative, how can I find more paid commercial jobs using creativehub? Learn how to use /find to get more paid creative work
How to create a great commercial illustration or photographic portfolio Find out how the professionals make great commercial portfolios.
What creative skills can I add on See what creative skills you can add to portfolios on /Find
How do I add a profile picture and bio to my profile? Learn how to add your profile picture and bio to your public profile page.
How many images can I add to my portfolio? Learn how many images your portfolio can hold