Read more about the different ways to organise your files on creativehub.
Method 1: Adding files to Projects
When you upload your files, you can add them to projects. This enables you to group your files around categories and use a naming convention of your choosing. For example, a project could be a fashion shoot, or street photography, or your files organised by year.
The projects will be easily accessible in the side menu on the left-hand side of the screen. You will also be able to share Projects and let people collaborate with them by adding comments and ratings.
Find out more about what a project is here, and how to share projects here.
Method 2: Using tags
You can categorise your files using tags. For example, you could tag files with a client name or a project name. When you add tags these are not seen by anyone else, even if you share the files or project. You can add as many tags as you wish to a file, and use whatever naming conventions you prefer.
Find out how to add tags to your files here.
Click here to see how you can search for tags you have added to your files.
Tip: Don’t add descriptive tags; artificial intelligence will do this for you!
There is no need to add any tags that describe the content of images or videos as we will automatically add these using artificial intelligence, so when you search for images you can search by the content or style of the image.