How limited editions work

If you have applied limited edition settings in creativehub, this will display as ‘stock quantity’ (or something similar) in your e-com store product listing.

These numbers are synced, so when you sell a limited edition the stock will go down in your store and a limited edition will be marked off as sold in creativehub.

Editing website’s stock quantity

Note that we do not lock ‘stock quantity’. This means you can manually change the stock quanity in your store. However, if you edit this number manually, the number in creativehub will not change. It is your responsibility to ensure stock quantity is in line with the settings applied in creativehub.

If you change it by accident, then a fresh import of the product will reset the stock quantity to match what is saved in creativehub.

If your product with the limited edition settings gets sold out, your website visitors will not be able to buy that product anymore. This can be resolved if you choose to release another set of limited edition products. A lot of themes available on e-commerce platforms now demonstrate when a product is sold out, so that the customers/website visitors are aware when they are browsing through the website. For example, this is Shopify:

Updated on 20 December 2022

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