This article will show you how to use the powerful commenting tools in creativehub, to assist with make commercial creative projects run smoothly.

Where can I make comments on files?

You make comments on files in projects. If you want to learn more how to create a project read this guide.

Making comments on projects means that you can share the project with other people and they can make comments too. You can communicate over the images, videos and other files like PDFs in a very easy, visual and tactile way.

Read about all the things you can do with projects here.

What type of files can I comment on?

You can comment on images, PDFs and video files. Image files supported include RAW files and SVGs, Adobe file types, as well as all standard image files.

How do I add a comment?

Firstly open the project. You will see the project feed on the right hand side. To add a general chat-type comment you can just start typing and press return, your comment will instantly appear on all the project collaborators feeds.

You can add comments with drawings (markups), to do that just click the button next to the comment input field:

Now draw on one or many files, type a comment and click return. This feature enables you to mark up multiple images at once and draw distinctions or comparisons between them.

Comments with drawings are automatically To Do items. Normal comments without drawings can be turned into To Do items. Just click the 3-dot menu on the comment you want to turn into a To Do item. All To Do items are numbered.

You can filter out just the To Do items on the project feed, to see what needs to be done on the project.

You can resolve To Do items as they are done (see below).

How do you add comments to video?

You can comment on videos just as easily as you can comment on static files. Simply press play and click the ‘add drawing’ button when you are at the location on the timeline where you want to add a comment.

The comment you make will include the timestamp of the point in the video where the comment was made. When you click on the comment, the video will jump to the point in the video where the comment was made.

Commenting on file details & collections views

You can also add comments on the file details view, that’s this one:

When you add a general chat-type comment here (i.e. not one with drawing) the system will automatically prefix your comment with the name of the image you were looking at when you made the comment. That way you can type freely without worrying, and when you return to the project feed it will be clear what image you had been talking about.

If you have made a collection, and you are viewing that collection then the same thing applies as with viewing file details. You can type and hit return to send a general chat-type comment and the system will prefix your comment with the name and a link to the collection you were talking about when you made the comment. Again then, no need to worry about writing that in your comment, just chat freely.

How do I resolve To-Do type comments?

To resolve To-Do type comments, hover over the comment in the project feed (or tap it on mobile) and you will see a tick mark appear.

Click or tap the tick mark and the comment will be resolved. This is something you would do if the comment had been addressed in the file the comment was made on. This way you can track the progress of To-Do items remaining by again using the To-Do comment filter described above.

Do project members get notified of comments?

Yes, all project members get notified by email and in the creativehub system as soon as a new comment is made on the project.

Updated on 2 May 2021

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