In this article we will show you how you can create a portfolio and add it to
How to create a portfolio
To add your portfolio to first login to your creativehub account or signup here.
In your creativehub account you will find a tutorial called ‘Find commercial work’, you can find it on the right hand side of your Home page under ‘Tutorials’. Following the steps of the tutorial will show you how to create a portfolio and set it live on

Follow this link to learn what makes a great commercial creative portfolio.
Can I update my portfolio?
You can always update your portfolio to add or delete images from it or change any of your information e. g. your rate or location.
You do not have to add a rate for your freelance creative work, but you can, for each portfolio. only connects you with the potential clients, it is your decision what rate to charge.
Potential clients can’t see your guide hourly rate, but by setting this guide rate they can filter out creatives who might be out of their price range. This is turn will mean you spend less time talking to clients who have budgets lower than your usual rates.
To learn how to update your portfolio, click here.