Can I use creativehub to send files to other people? Find out more about sending images and other files in creativehub.
What is the limit of the file size I can send using creativehub? Find out if there is any limit for sending files through your creativehub account.
What permissions can I give to recipients when sending files in creativehub? Read about the different options you have when sending files to others.
How do I share a link to a file on creativehub? Learn how to send files by copying and sending a link yourself to anyone via email, text etc.
Can I automatically add watermarks to files when I send them using creativehub? Learn how to add watermarks to your images before sending them.
Can I cancel a link or recall files sent using creativehub? Read more about what your options are once a link is shared with others.
Does the link expire when I send files using creativehub? Find out after how long the link for sharing files expires and how to change the expiry time.
How do I remove or revoke access to files that I have sent using creativehub? Read more about what happens once you have sent files to others.
Can I add my own branding to the file sending pages? Read more about how to set up your branded page for sending files.
What does the person I send files to see when they receive the files? Read about the two different options for what people can see when you send files to them.
Does the person I send files to using creativehub need an account? Read about what happens when you send files to non creativehub users.
Can I add messages to the recipient when sending files in creativehub? Find out how to add messages to people you are sending files to.
Why can’t I give other people collaboration permissions when sending files? Read more about what options you have when sending files.
How will the person I have shared files with be notified? How will the person I have shared files with be notified?
Understanding projects and their use cases Learn how projects can help you organise bodies of work and collaborate with others.
How do I create projects in creativehub? Read about the two different options to create projects in creativehub.
How do I choose a project cover image in creativehub? Learn how to set up a cover image for your project in six easy steps.
How do I delete a project in creativehub? Find out how to delete a project from your creativehub account.
If I delete a project in creativehub, do the files in the project get deleted also? Find out what happens to the files of a project if you delete the project.
How do I remove an image from a project in creativehub? Find out how to remove files from your projects in creativehub.
How do I add images to existing projects in creativehub? Find out how to add files to your projects in creativehub.
What is the difference between sending files or sharing a project in creativehub? Read more about the difference between sending images and sharing a project in creativehub?
What permissions can I give to people when I share projects on creativehub? Learn how to change the permissions you give to people when you share project.
Can I share projects with people who don’t have a creativehub account? Read more about sharing projects with someone who does not have a creativehub account.
How will the person I have shared a project with be notified? Find it how the person I have shared a project with is notified.
How do I share a link to a project on creativehub? Learn how to send a link to your project on creativehub.
How do I remove access to projects that I have shared using creativehub? Learn more about editing access to the projects you have shared using creativehub.
Where do I find images that have been shared with me on creativehub? Find out where you can find files that have been shared with you on creativehub?
How can I modify sharing permissions on a project? Read more about changing sharing permissions on a project.
Can I see a history of all my sharing actions on creativehub? How to see a history of all your sharing actions on creativehub.
When I share a project what does the recipient receive? Read more about how the branded file sharing page looks like.
How do I add my brand to the project sharing creativehub? Learn how to add logo and cover image to the project sharing and file sending in creativehub.