What type of files can I store on creativehub? Read more about the different types of files you can upload and store.
How safe are the files stored on creativehub? Read more about the security of your files on creativehub.
How do I organise my files on creativehub? Read more about the different ways to organise your files on creativehub.
I have a lot of files to move to creativehub, how do I do that? Learn how to upload large quantities of files to your creativehub account.
How can I change filenames of files stored on creativehub? Learn how to rename your files on creativehub.
How does creativehub handle file metadata? Find out how metadata is preserved and where you can view it on creativehub.
If I upload a file will the file metadata be preserved? Find out how metadata is preserved and where you can view it on creativehub.
When I upload a file to my own files with an identical filename, does it get overwritten? Read more about what happens if you use the same filename for multiple files.
How do I download files from creativehub? Read more about the two ways to download files from creativehub.
What is the deleted files folder in creativehub? Read more about where your files go once you deleted them from your account.
How do I select different views for my files in creativehub? Learn how to change the way your files are displayed on creativehub.
How are all my files sorted or arranged in creativehub on My Files page? Learn about the four different options to arrange your files in creativehub.
What are the sorting options for files in creativehub? Learn about the four different sorting options to have your files displayed.
What happens when I delete a file in creativehub? Learn about how we store your deleted files for 30 days before they are permanently deleted.
How many files can you upload at the same time and how long will it take? Read more about upload times and limits for your creativehub account.
How do I search for my files on creativehub? How can I find my files using the searching option on creativehub?
How to convert files in creativehub Learn how to convert files into various formats, optimised for a range of uses
How do I amend files names as I download them? Learn how you can amend filenames as your download files from creativehub