How do I change the language of my creativehub account? Learn how to your preferred language for your account.
How do I change my email address in creativehub? Learn how to edit the email address in your creativehub account.
How do I update or delete my delivery addresses in creativehub? Learn where you can edit, add or delete delivery addresses on your account in creativehub.
How do I change the payment details I use for my subscription plan? Learn how to change the payment details you are for your creativehub subscription plan.
My card has expired, how do I update my details? Learn how to add a new debit/credit card to your account.
Can I recover my account if it has been deleted? Learn what happens if you delete your creativehub account.
When am I charged for print orders? Learn when we charge you if you place an online order from your creativehub account.
What happens if I downgrade my subscription plan? Learn what happens if you need to downgrade your subscription plan.
Does creativehub have two-factor authentication? Learn how to set up extra security to access your account.
I have lost access to my two factor authentication method and am locked out of my account. What can I do? Recover access to your account by contacting us as follows.
Do I have to set up two-factor authentication? Learn about the advantages of setting up a two factor authentication.
Do you delete my files if I miss a subscription payment? Read more about your files after you miss a storage payment.
My account is over quota, why must I delete files from my account? What happens if my account is over quota?
What happens if I upgrade my subscription mid-way through a payment period? Find out when you can upgrade your storage plan.
What happens to my files when I delete my creativehub account? Learn what happens with your files when you delete your account.