In this article we’ll explain how and where a creative will respond to your project proposal.

Once you’ve found the right talent and have put forward a project proposal, the creative will have three options: reply, accept job or decline job.


If the creative clicks ‘Reply’, a conversation will be started between you where you can both ask more questions, send briefs or references and discuss quotes. You will receive an email notification as well as a notification in your home feed.

When a creative has replied, you will receive an email notification with a link that you can follow to start a conversation in the live chat.

If a job is declined

If the creative clicks ‘Decline job’, you will receive an email notification as well as a notification in your home feed and the project will not progress.

You will still be able to put forward more project proposals in the future to them by going to their portfolio and clicking ‘Message’ again.

If a job is accepted

If a creative chooses to accept the project proposal, you will receive a notification and a final prompt to give the go ahead for the project.

As soon as you do this, a project workspace will automatically be set up. A shared project will appear with access for you and the creative only. You’ll be able to find the project in the ‘Projects’ list with a briefcase icon next to the name.

You can then make use of the range of collaborative tools to carry out the project.

Click here to find out what collaborative tools that are available.

Updated on 3 May 2021

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